
Source code for torchgeo.datasets.mapinwild

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""MapInWild dataset."""

import os
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
import torch
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from torch import Tensor

from .geo import NonGeoDataset
from .utils import (

[docs]class MapInWild(NonGeoDataset): """MapInWild dataset. The `MapInWild <>`__ dataset is curated for the task of wilderness mapping on a pixel-level. MapInWild is a multi-modal dataset and comprises various geodata acquired and formed from different RS sensors over 1018 locations: dual-pol Sentinel-1, four-season Sentinel-2 with 10 bands, ESA WorldCover map, and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite NightTime Day/Night band. The dataset consists of 8144 images with the shape of 1920 × 1920 pixels. The images are weakly annotated from the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA). Dataset features: * 1018 areas globally sampled from the WDPA * 10-Band Sentinel-2 * Dual-pol Sentinel-1 * ESA WorldCover Land Cover * Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite NightTime Day/Night Band If you use this dataset in your research, please cite the following paper: * .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ url = "" # noqa: E501 modality_urls = { "esa_wc": {"esa_wc/"}, "viirs": {"viirs/"}, "mask": {"mask/"}, "s1": {"s1/", "s1/"}, "s2_temporal_subset": { "s2_temporal_subset/", "s2_temporal_subset/", }, "s2_autumn": {"s2_autumn/", "s2_autumn/"}, "s2_spring": {"s2_spring/", "s2_spring/"}, "s2_summer": {"s2_summer/", "s2_summer/"}, "s2_winter": {"s2_winter/", "s2_winter/"}, "split_IDs": {"split_IDs/split_IDs.csv"}, } md5s = { "": "72b2ee578fe10f0df85bdb7f19311c92", "": "4eff014bae127fe536f8a5f17d89ecb4", "": "87c83a23a73998ad60d448d240b66225", "": "d8a911f5c76b50eb0760b8f0047e4674", "": "a30369d17c62d2af5aa52a4189590e3c", "": "78c2d05514458a036fe133f1e2f11d2a", "": "076cd3bd00eb5b7f5d80c9e0a0de0275", "": "6ee7d1ac44b5107e3663636269aecf68", "": "4fc5e1d5c772421dba553722433ac3b9", "": "2a89687d8fafa7fc7f5e641bfa97d472", "": "5845dcae0ab3cdc174b7c41edd4283a9", "": "73ca8291d3f4fb7533636220a816bb71", "": "5b5816bbd32987619bf72cde5cacd032", "": "ca958f7cd98e37cb59d6f3877573ee6d", "": "e7aacb0806d6d619b6abc408e6b09fdc", "split_IDs.csv": "cb5c6c073702acee23544e1e6fe5856f", } mask_cmap = {1: (0, 153, 0), 0: (255, 255, 255)} wc_cmap = { 10: (0, 160, 0), 20: (150, 100, 0), 30: (255, 180, 0), 40: (255, 255, 100), 50: (195, 20, 0), 60: (255, 245, 215), 70: (255, 255, 255), 80: (0, 70, 200), 90: (0, 220, 130), 95: (0, 150, 120), 100: (255, 235, 175), }
[docs] def __init__( self, root: str = "data", modality: list[str] = ["mask", "esa_wc", "viirs", "s2_summer"], split: str = "train", transforms: Optional[Callable[[dict[str, Tensor]], dict[str, Tensor]]] = None, download: bool = False, checksum: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize a new MapInWild dataset instance. Args: root: root directory where dataset can be found modality: the modality to download. Choose from: "mask", "esa_wc", "viirs", "s1", "s2_temporal_subset", "s2_[season]". split: one of "train", "validation", or "test" transforms: a function/transform that takes input sample and its target as entry and returns a transformed version download: if True, download dataset and store it in the root directory checksum: if True, check the MD5 of the downloaded files (may be slow) Raises: AssertionError: if ``split`` argument is invalid """ assert split in ["train", "validation", "test"] self.checksum = checksum self.root = root self.transforms = transforms self.modality = modality = download modality.append("split_IDs") for mode in modality: for modality_link in self.modality_urls[mode]: modality_url = os.path.join(self.url, modality_link) self._verify( url=modality_url, md5=self.md5s[os.path.split(modality_link)[-1]] ) # Merge modalities downloaded in two parts if ( download and mode not in os.listdir(self.root) and len(self.modality_urls[mode]) == 2 ): self._merge_parts(mode) # Masks will be loaded seperately in the :meth:`__getitem__` if "mask" in self.modality: self.modality.remove("mask") # Split IDs has been downloaded and is not needed in the list if "split_IDs" in self.modality: self.modality.remove("split_IDs") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, "split_IDs.csv")): split_dataframe = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root, "split_IDs.csv")) self.ids = split_dataframe[split].dropna().values.tolist() self.ids = list(map(int, self.ids))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> dict[str, Tensor]: """Return an index within the dataset. Args: index: index to return Returns: data and label at that index """ list_modalities = [] id = self.ids[index] mask = self._load_raster(id, "mask") mask[mask != 0] = 1 for mode in self.modality: mode = mode.upper() if mode in ["esa_wc", "viirs"] else mode data = self._load_raster(id, mode) list_modalities.append(data) image =, dim=0) sample: dict[str, Tensor] = {"image": image, "mask": mask} if self.transforms is not None: sample = self.transforms(sample) return sample
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of data points in the dataset. Returns: length of the dataset """ return len(self.ids)
def _load_raster(self, filename: int, source: str) -> Tensor: """Load a single raster image or target. Args: filename: name of the file to load source: the directory of the modality Returns: the raster image or target """ with, source, f"{filename}.tif")) as f: raw_array = array: "np.typing.NDArray[np.int_]" = np.stack(raw_array, axis=0) if array.dtype == np.uint16: array = array.astype(np.int32) tensor = torch.from_numpy(array).float() return tensor def _verify(self, url: str, md5: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Verify the integrity of the dataset. Args: url: url to the file md5: md5 of the file to be verified Raises: RuntimeError: if dataset is not found """ modality_folder_name = url.split("/")[-1] mod_fold_no_ext = modality_folder_name.split(".")[0] modality_path = os.path.join(self.root, mod_fold_no_ext) split_path = os.path.join(self.root, modality_folder_name) if mod_fold_no_ext == "split_IDs": modality_path = split_path # Check if the files already exist if os.path.exists(modality_path): return # Check if the zip files have already been downloaded, if so, extract filepath = os.path.join(self.root, url.split("/")[-1]) if os.path.isfile(filepath) and filepath.endswith(".zip"): if self.checksum and not check_integrity(filepath, md5): raise RuntimeError("Dataset found, but corrupted.") self._extract(url) return # Check if the user requested to download the dataset if not raise RuntimeError( f"Dataset not found in `root={self.root}` directory and `download=False`, " # noqa: E501 "either specify a different `root` directory or use `download=True` " "to automatically download the dataset." ) # Download the dataset self._download(url, md5) if not url.endswith(".csv"): self._extract(url) def _download(self, url: str, md5: Optional[str]) -> None: """Downloads a modality. Args: url: download url of a modality md5: md5 of a modality """ download_url( url, self.root, filename=os.path.split(url)[1], md5=md5 if self.checksum else None, ) def _extract(self, path: str) -> None: """Extracts a modality. Args: path: path to the modality folder """ filepath = os.path.join(self.root, os.path.split(path)[1]) extract_archive(filepath) def _merge_parts(self, modality: str) -> None: """Merge the modalities that are downloaded and extracted in two parts. Args: root: root directory where dataset can be found modality: the filename of the modality """ # Create a new folder named after the 'modality' variable modality_folder = os.path.join(self.root, modality) # Will not raise an error if the folder already exists os.makedirs(modality_folder, exist_ok=True) # List of source folders source_folders = [ os.path.join(self.root, modality + "_part1"), os.path.join(self.root, modality + "_part2"), ] # Move files from each source folder to the new 'modality' folder for source_folder in source_folders: for file_name in os.listdir(source_folder): source = os.path.join(source_folder, file_name) destination = os.path.join(modality_folder, file_name) if os.path.isfile(source): shutil.copy(source, destination) # Move files to 'modality' folder def _convert_to_color( self, arr_2d: Tensor, cmap: dict[int, tuple[int, int, int]] ) -> "np.typing.NDArray[np.uint8]": """Numeric labels to RGB-color encoding. Args: arr_2d: 2D array to be colorized cmap: colormap to use when mapping the labels Returns: 3D colored image """ arr_3d = np.zeros((arr_2d.shape[0], arr_2d.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) for c, i in cmap.items(): m = arr_2d == c arr_3d[m] = i return arr_3d
[docs] def plot( self, sample: dict[str, Tensor], show_titles: bool = True, suptitle: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Figure: """Plot a sample from the dataset. Args: sample: a sample image-mask pair returned by :meth:`__getitem__` show_titles: flag indicating whether to show titles above each panel suptitle: optional string to use as a suptitle Returns: a matplotlib Figure with the rendered sample """ modality_channels = defaultdict(lambda: 10, {"viirs": 1, "esa_wc": 1, "s1": 2}) start_idx = 0 split_images = {} for modality in self.modality: end_idx = start_idx + modality_channels[modality] # Start + n of channels split_images[modality] = sample["image"][start_idx:end_idx, :, :] # Slicing start_idx = end_idx # Update the iterator # Prepare the mask mask = sample["mask"].squeeze() color_mask = self._convert_to_color(mask, cmap=self.mask_cmap) num_subplots = len(split_images) + 1 # +1 for color_mask showing_predictions = "prediction" in sample if showing_predictions: num_subplots += 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, num_subplots, figsize=(num_subplots * 4, 5)) # Plot each modality in its respective axis for i, (modality, image) in enumerate(split_images.items()): ax = axs[i] img = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0)).squeeze() # Apply transformations based on modality type if modality.startswith("s2"): img = img[:, :, [4, 3, 2]] if modality == "esa_wc": img = self._convert_to_color(torch.as_tensor(img), cmap=self.wc_cmap) if modality == "s1": img = img[:, :, 0] if not "esa_wc": img = percentile_normalization(img) ax.imshow(img) if show_titles: ax.set_title(modality) ax.axis("off") # Plot color_mask in its own axis axs[len(split_images)].imshow(color_mask) if show_titles: axs[len(split_images)].set_title("Annotation") axs[len(split_images)].axis("off") # If available, plot predictions in a new axis if showing_predictions: prediction = sample["prediction"].squeeze() color_predictions = self._convert_to_color(prediction, cmap=self.mask_cmap) axs[-1].imshow(color_predictions, vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation="none") if show_titles: axs[-1].set_title("Prediction") axs[-1].axis("off") plt.tight_layout() return fig

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