

A collection of common terms used in torchgeo that may be unfamiliar to either:

  1. Deep learning researchers who don’t know remote sensing

  2. Remote sensing researchers who don’t know deep learning

area of interest (AOI)

Synonym for region of interest (ROI). A particular spatial area to focus on.


Synonym for patch. A smaller image sampled from a larger tile.


A computer vision task that involves predicting the image class for an entire image or a specific bounding box.

coordinate reference system (CRS)

Synonym for spatial reference system (SRS). A system that defines how to locate geographic entities on a projected surface.

instance segmentation

A computer vision task that involves predicting labels for each pixel in an image such that each object has a unique label.

object detection

A computer vision task that involves predicting bounding boxes around each object in an image.


Synonym for chip. A smaller image sampled from a larger tile.


A geometric transformation for portraying the surface of a 3D Earth onto a 2D planar image.

region of interest (ROI)

Synonym for area of interest (AOI). A particular spatial region to focus on.


A computer vision task that involves predicting a real valued number based on an image.

semantic segmentation

A computer vision task that involves predicting labels for each pixel in an image such that each class has a unique label.

spatial reference system (SRS)

Synonym for coordinate reference system (CRS). A system that defines how to locate geographic entities on a projected surface.


Combining a collection of patches into a single image. This is the reverse operation of tiling.


A set of tiles along a satellite trajectory.


A single image file taken by a remote sensor like a satellite.


Splitting a tile into patches. This is the reverse operation of stitching.


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