
Source code for torchgeo.transforms.transforms

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""TorchGeo transforms."""

from typing import Any

import kornia.augmentation as K
import torch
from einops import rearrange
from kornia.contrib import extract_tensor_patches
from kornia.geometry import crop_by_indices
from kornia.geometry.boxes import Boxes
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.modules import Module

# TODO: contribute these to Kornia and delete this file
[docs]class AugmentationSequential(Module): """Wrapper around kornia AugmentationSequential to handle input dicts. .. deprecated:: 0.4 Use :class:`kornia.augmentation.container.AugmentationSequential` instead. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args: K.base._AugmentationBase | K.ImageSequential, data_keys: list[str], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize a new augmentation sequential instance. Args: *args: Sequence of kornia augmentations data_keys: List of inputs to augment (e.g., ["image", "mask", "boxes"]) **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``K.AugmentationSequential`` .. versionadded:: 0.5 The ``**kwargs`` parameter. """ super().__init__() self.data_keys = data_keys keys: list[str] = [] for key in data_keys: if key.startswith('image'): keys.append('input') elif key == 'boxes': keys.append('bbox') elif key == 'masks': keys.append('mask') else: keys.append(key) self.augs = K.AugmentationSequential(*args, data_keys=keys, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, batch: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Perform augmentations and update data dict. Args: batch: the input Returns: the augmented input """ # Kornia augmentations require all inputs to be float dtype = {} for key in self.data_keys: dtype[key] = batch[key].dtype batch[key] = batch[key].float() # Convert shape of boxes from [N, 4] to [N, 4, 2] if 'boxes' in batch and ( isinstance(batch['boxes'], list) or batch['boxes'].ndim == 2 ): batch['boxes'] = Boxes.from_tensor(batch['boxes']).data # Kornia requires masks to have a channel dimension if 'mask' in batch and batch['mask'].ndim == 3: batch['mask'] = rearrange(batch['mask'], 'b h w -> b () h w') if 'masks' in batch and batch['masks'].ndim == 3: batch['masks'] = rearrange(batch['masks'], 'c h w -> () c h w') inputs = [batch[k] for k in self.data_keys] outputs_list: Tensor | list[Tensor] = self.augs(*inputs) outputs_list = ( outputs_list if isinstance(outputs_list, list) else [outputs_list] ) outputs: dict[str, Tensor] = { k: v for k, v in zip(self.data_keys, outputs_list) } batch.update(outputs) # Convert all inputs back to their previous dtype for key in self.data_keys: batch[key] = batch[key].to(dtype[key]) # Convert boxes to default [N, 4] if 'boxes' in batch: batch['boxes'] = Boxes(batch['boxes']).to_tensor(mode='xyxy') # Torchmetrics does not support masks with a channel dimension if 'mask' in batch and batch['mask'].shape[1] == 1: batch['mask'] = rearrange(batch['mask'], 'b () h w -> b h w') if 'masks' in batch and batch['masks'].ndim == 4: batch['masks'] = rearrange(batch['masks'], '() c h w -> c h w') return batch
class _RandomNCrop(K.GeometricAugmentationBase2D): """Take N random crops of a tensor.""" def __init__(self, size: tuple[int, int], num: int) -> None: """Initialize a new _RandomNCrop instance. Args: size: desired output size (out_h, out_w) of the crop num: number of crops to take """ super().__init__(p=1) self._param_generator: _NCropGenerator = _NCropGenerator(size, num) self.flags = {'size': size, 'num': num} def compute_transformation( self, input: Tensor, params: dict[str, Tensor], flags: dict[str, Any] ) -> Tensor: """Compute the transformation. Args: input: the input tensor params: generated parameters flags: static parameters Returns: the transformation """ out: Tensor = self.identity_matrix(input) return out def apply_transform( self, input: Tensor, params: dict[str, Tensor], flags: dict[str, Any], transform: Tensor | None = None, ) -> Tensor: """Apply the transform. Args: input: the input tensor params: generated parameters flags: static parameters transform: the geometric transformation tensor Returns: the augmented input """ out = [] for i in range(flags['num']): out.append(crop_by_indices(input, params['src'][i], flags['size'])) return class _NCropGenerator(K.random_generator.CropGenerator): """Generate N random crops.""" def __init__(self, size: tuple[int, int] | Tensor, num: int) -> None: """Initialize a new _NCropGenerator instance. Args: size: desired output size (out_h, out_w) of the crop num: number of crops to generate """ super().__init__(size) self.num = num def forward( self, batch_shape: tuple[int, ...], same_on_batch: bool = False ) -> dict[str, Tensor]: """Generate the crops. Args: batch_shape: input size (b, c?, in_h, in_w) same_on_batch: apply the same transformation across the batch Returns: the randomly generated parameters """ out = [] for _ in range(self.num): out.append(super().forward(batch_shape, same_on_batch)) return { 'src': torch.stack([x['src'] for x in out]), 'dst': torch.stack([x['dst'] for x in out]), 'input_size': out[0]['input_size'], 'output_size': out[0]['output_size'], } class _ExtractPatches(K.GeometricAugmentationBase2D): """Extract patches from an image or mask.""" def __init__( self, window_size: int | tuple[int, int], stride: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None, padding: int | tuple[int, int] | None = 0, keepdim: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize a new _ExtractPatches instance. Args: window_size: desired output size (out_h, out_w) of the crop stride: stride of window to extract patches. Defaults to non-overlapping patches (stride=window_size) padding: zero padding added to the height and width dimensions keepdim: Combine the patch dimension into the batch dimension """ super().__init__(p=1) self.flags = { 'window_size': window_size, 'stride': stride if stride is not None else window_size, 'padding': padding, 'keepdim': keepdim, } def compute_transformation( self, input: Tensor, params: dict[str, Tensor], flags: dict[str, Any] ) -> Tensor: """Compute the transformation. Args: input: the input tensor params: generated parameters flags: static parameters Returns: the transformation """ out: Tensor = self.identity_matrix(input) return out def apply_transform( self, input: Tensor, params: dict[str, Tensor], flags: dict[str, Any], transform: Tensor | None = None, ) -> Tensor: """Apply the transform. Args: input: the input tensor params: generated parameters flags: static parameters transform: the geometric transformation tensor Returns: the augmented input """ out = extract_tensor_patches( input, window_size=flags['window_size'], stride=flags['stride'], padding=flags['padding'], ) if flags['keepdim']: out = rearrange(out, 'b t c h w -> (b t) c h w') return out class _Clamp(K.IntensityAugmentationBase2D): """Clamp images to a specific range.""" def __init__( self, p: float = 0.5, p_batch: float = 1, min: float = 0, max: float = 1, same_on_batch: bool = False, keepdim: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize a new _Clamp instance. Args: p: Probability for applying an augmentation. This param controls the augmentation probabilities element-wise for a batch. p_batch: Probability for applying an augmentation to a batch. This param controls the augmentation probabilities batch-wise. min: Minimum value to clamp to. max: Maximum value to clamp to. same_on_batch: Apply the same transformation across the batch. keepdim: Whether to keep the output shape the same as input ``True`` or broadcast it to the batch form ``False``. """ super().__init__( p=p, p_batch=p_batch, same_on_batch=same_on_batch, keepdim=keepdim ) self.flags = {'min': min, 'max': max} def apply_transform( self, input: Tensor, params: dict[str, Tensor], flags: dict[str, Any], transform: Tensor | None = None, ) -> Tensor: """Apply the transform. Args: input: the input tensor params: generated parameters flags: static parameters transform: the geometric transformation tensor Returns: the augmented input """ return torch.clamp(input, self.flags['min'], self.flags['max'])


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